Sunday, August 22, 2010


What is the first impression made of?
There is on old saying in Japan, "The eyes speak for the mouth." It suggests that words are not the only means of telling a story. Today, we all know that we engage in verbal as well as non-verbal communication and also, that non-verbal communication could be, at times, more powerful than verbal communication.

When we meet someone for the first time, we unconsciously look for familiar cues that the person is emitting because we subconsciously know that certain signals correlate to specific behavioral characteristics based on our past experience.

It takes only a few seconds.
Whether our judgement is right or wrong, we make a judgement about someone in a matter of a few seconds. We meet new people on a daily basis whether for business or personal purposes. Sometimes, we definitely want to make a positive impression such as when you are going in for a job interview, when you are the interviewer meeting a candidate, when you are meeting people in a networking event, or when you are about to speak to someone special that you are interested in.

It takes only seconds to form the first impression about someone, but it takes a lot longer to change it once it is made. What's more, you don't often get a second chance on the receiving end. If that's the case, it would be better to make your first impression work for you from the very beginning.

What do people notice about you?
They notice everything--from how you are dressed and how you sound, to how you speak. If you are about to have a job interview, you are probably dressed for career success, complete with appropriate accessories and a good posture. You will greet in a pleasant voice and pay attention to how you speak.

You are sending your personal message.
We meet new people everyday. We don't know whom we will meet or where we will meet them. You may meet someone who will eventually lead you to your future employment. It means that you cannot afford to say this day or that day is special for whatever reason. Every day is special because you don't know whom you will meet.

If you have a goal to achieve within a given time, you will always want to come across as someone who is fit to achieve it even if people don't know what your goal is. Your first impression needs to be not only what is obvious to the eyes on a superficial level, but also how you carry yourself and how confidently you behave.

Now you know what the first impression is made out of. Check your messasge before sending it.

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